About the journal
The Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD) deepens and expands the study of different enterprise types and organizational models, including (but not limited to) social enterprises, cooperatives, mutuals, nonprofit organizations and foundations. It places strong emphasis on their institutional and socio-economic contexts, as well as on their organizational features, practices, stakeholders and the development of communities and localities. JEOD also welcomes comparative research between different organizations and enterprise types, including different ownership and governance models, corporate social responsibility and network types.
Distinguished by an interdisciplinary approach, JEOD welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions from the perspective of economics, business and management, sociology and anthropology, law and political sciences, among others. Statistical and econometric models and applications are welcome. Alongside research articles and book reviews, JEOD publishes research proceedings and conference letters to capture new developments and sustain both academic discussion and public debate in light of the growing number of research works and international conferences in the areas of interest of the journal.
JEOD is an international journal written in English. Its internationality is reflected in the editorial team, which is composed of leading scholars from various disciplines, including economists, historians, jurists, political scientists, social psychologists, sociologists and statisticians. JEOD aims to publish high quality, path-breaking research articles, subject to double-blind peer review. In order to maximize readership, distribution, and consequently visibility in scholarly debate, JEOD is published online in a free open access format. This, along with the use of online submission and peer review software (Editorial Manager), allow for free and rapid communication across the scientific community.
JEOD publishes two issues per year and contributions are distributed on Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and IDEAS/RePEc, besides the JEOD website. Since 2021, JEOD is listed in Scopus, while since 2018 it is included by ANVUR in the lists of Italian scientific publications for areas 12 (law), 13 (economics and statistics) and 14 (political and social sciences).
JEOD is published and funded entirely by the foundation EURICSE. JEOD is a registered periodical in Trento, Italy under the general direction of Fulvio Gardumi. Registration number: 34/2011/12-11-2011
Aims and Scope
JEOD publishes original research from the fields of economics and business studies, though contributions focusing on entrepreneurial diversity from the perspective of other disciplines are welcome as well. Papers connecting theory with reality and thereby addressing real world problems are particularly welcome.
Editorial Policy
JEOD is published online in a free open access format. All its content is published in English. JEOD welcomes full-length research articles, as well as book reviews, research proceedings and conference letters. For specific instructions for submissions see the guidelines for authors.
Copyright Policy
Publications in JEOD are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0.
Peer Review Policy
All JEOD content is subject to peer-review. Research articles submitted to JEOD are subject to double-blind peer review. Book reviews, conference letters and research proceedings are subject to editor peer review.
Publication Ethics
JEOD, the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal committed to ensuring the highest standards of publication ethics. All parties involved in the act of publishing (editors, authors, reviewers and the publisher) have to agree upon standards of ethical behaviour. We state the following principles of publication ethics and publication malpractice statement based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at publicationethics.org.
We encourage the best standards of publication ethics and take all possible measures against publication malpractices. EURICSE, the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (www.euricse.eu), as a publisher, takes its duties of guardianship over all stages of publishing extremely seriously and we recognize our ethical and other responsibilities.