Andrea Bernardi, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Salvatore Monni (Eds.): Innovations for Circularity and Knowledge Creation: Participation and Cooperative Approaches for Sustainability

The book Innovations for Circularity and Knowledge Creation: Participation and Cooperative Approaches for Sustainability, edited by Andrea Bernardi, Massimiliano Mazzanti, and Salvatore Monni, offers an essential contribution to the discourse on sustainable economics. It examines the unique role of cooperative models in advancing circular economy practices, emphasizing practical applications over ideological assertions. Spanning 12 chapters, the book presents a theoretical foundation and case studies that explore how cooperatives integrate social and environmental concerns into production systems. Highlighting the historical and strategic importance of the cooperative movement, it frames the circular economy as a model that reintegrates social equity into sustainable development.

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Andrea Cori (2024). Andrea Bernardi, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Salvatore Monni (Eds.): Innovations for Circularity and Knowledge Creation: Participation and Cooperative Approaches for Sustainability, Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 13(2): 121-124. DOI: