Does Online Accessibility, as a Transparency Mechanism, Play the Same Role in Private and Public Nonprofit Organizations?

Nonprofit organizations define different links with Public Administration in the provision of public social services, online accessibility (OA) being a way to promote stakeholders’ participation and funding diversification. Despite these theoretical advantages, the role of OA could vary depending on the interaction between Public Administration and nonprofits. If these organizations identify OA only with accountability, a passive meaning of transparency will prevail. By contrast, when nonprofits understand this mechanism as a strategic tool, it become an organizational resource to promote stakeholders’ feedback and higher levels of performance. The results show differences between private and public nonprofits when they promote OA.

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Francisco J. Lopez-arceiz, Lourdes Torres, Ana J. Bellostas (2019). Does Online Accessibility, as a Transparency Mechanism, Play the Same Role in Private and Public Nonprofit Organizations?, Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 8(1): 42-64. DOI: