Eric Bidet and Jacques Defourny (Eds.): Social Enterprise in Asia: Theory, Models and Practice

Eric Bidet and Jacques Defourny’s edited book Social Enterprise in Asia: Theory, Models, and Practice is by far the most comprehensive and extensive scholarly collaboration on social enterprises and social economy in Asia. This book covers multiple sub-Asian regions (East, South, and Southeast Asia) and seven comprehensive Asian country chapters (Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand). The book’s specialized country-level cases incorporate more countries (Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam) when investigating social enterprise specific fields of engagement, including rural community development, health and social services, and human services. Its cross-thematic comparison covers religious or faith-based influence and agricultural value chains.

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Bok Gyo Jeong (2020). Eric Bidet and Jacques Defourny (Eds.): Social Enterprise in Asia: Theory, Models and Practice, Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 9(2): 66-70. DOI: