Social Co-operatives: When Social Enterprises Meet the Co-operative Tradition

The emergence of social co-operatives cannot be understood without a more detailed analysis of the worldwide fast-growing interest toward social enterprise and social entrepreneurship since the mid-1990s. Much more than US-based schools of thought, a major European conception of social enterprise actually fits the co-operative tradition, and even more precisely, the “world standards of social cooperatives” as formulated by the Organization of Industrial, Artisanal and Service Producers’ Co-operatives (CICOPA). Placing social co-operatives in a longer historical perspective shows that new waves and/or new types of co-operatives generally emerge in times of deep transformations of the whole economic system when some basic conditions are met.

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Jacques Defourny, Marthe Nyssens (2013). Social Co-operatives: When Social Enterprises Meet the Co-operative Tradition, Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 2(2): 11-33. DOI: